
Apple Butter in Crock Pot Recipe: Delicious Homemade Apple Butter



Apple butter is a rich and creamy spread made by slow cooking apples with spices and sugar until they turn into a thick and velvety puree. This type of butter is a popular ingredient in many sweet and savory recipes, and it’s also a great way to preserve the flavor of apples when they’re in season. In this article, we’ll show you how to make apple butter in a crock pot, step by step, so you can enjoy this delicious condiment all year round.

What is Apple Butter?

Apple butter is a type of fruit preserve made from apples that are simmered down with sugar, cinnamon, and other spices. Unlike regular applesauce, apple butter is cooked for a longer time, resulting in a thicker, more concentrated spread. The slow cooking process also gives apple butter its distinctive flavor and rich color, which can range from golden to deep amber, depending on the type of apples used.

What Are the Benefits of Making Apple Butter in a Crock Pot?

Making apple butter in a crock pot is a great way to simplify the cooking process and get a delicious result every time. Here are a few benefits of using a slow cooker for apple butter:

  • It’s easy: All you need to do is chop the apples, add them to the crock pot with the other ingredients, and let it cook on low heat for several hours. No need to stand over the stove, stirring the pot constantly.
  • It’s convenient: You can leave the crock pot to cook on its own, freeing up time for other tasks.
  • It’s hands-off: The low and slow cooking process allows you to walk away from the kitchen without worrying about burning or scorching the apple butter.
  • It’s energy-efficient: Slow cookers use less energy than the stove or oven, making them a more environmentally-friendly option for cooking.

What Ingredients Do You Need to Make Apple Butter in a Crock Pot?

Here’s what you’ll need to make apple butter in a crock pot:

  • Apples: You’ll need about 8-10 medium-sized apples, peeled and cored. Use a mix of sweet and tart apples for the best flavor.
  • Sugar: Use granulated sugar or brown sugar, or a combination of both.
  • Cinnamon: Use ground cinnamon for the best flavor.
  • Other spices: You can add other spices to taste, such as nutmeg, allspice, or cloves.
  • Lemon juice: Use freshly squeezed lemon juice to help balance the sweetness of the apple butter.
  • Salt: A pinch of salt will help enhance the flavors of the spices.

How to Make Apple Butter in a Crock Pot: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Prepare the apples: Wash, peel, and core the apples. Cut them into small pieces and place them in the crock pot.
  2. Add the sugar and spices: Sprinkle the sugar, cinnamon, and other spices over the apples. Stir everything together to combine.
  3. Cook: Place the lid on the crock pot and set the temperature to low. Cook for 8-10 hours, stirring occasionally, until the apples are soft and the mixture has thickened into a spread.
  4. Blend: Use an immersion blender or a regular blender to puree the mixture until it’s smooth.
  5. Cook again: Return the puree to the crock pot
  6. Cook for another 2-3 hours on low heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture has thickened into a spread that is thick enough to hold its shape when spooned onto a plate.
  7. Cool and store: Let the apple butter cool to room temperature, then transfer it to airtight containers. Store in the refrigerator for up to a month or in the freezer for up to 6 months.
  8. How to Serve Apple Butter
  9. Apple butter can be used in many ways. Here are a few ideas for using it in your cooking and baking:
  10. Spread it on toast, muffins, or biscuits for a sweet and tangy breakfast treat.
  11. Use it as a glaze for roasted pork chops or ham.
  12. Add it to cake and cupcake batter for a delicious apple flavor.
  13. Use it as a filling for cakes, cupcakes, and other desserts.
  14. Stir a spoonful into oatmeal or yogurt for a delicious and nutritious breakfast.


Can I use a different type of sugar for the recipe?

Yes, you can use any type of granulated sugar, such as white sugar, brown sugar, or even maple syrup. Use what you have on hand, or choose the sugar that will give you the flavor you’re looking for.

Can I use a different type of apples?

Yes, you can use any type of apples that you like, but a mix of sweet and tart apples will give you the best flavor. Experiment with different types of apples to find your favorite.

How long will the apple butter keep in the refrigerator?

You can keep it in the refrigerator for up to a month, stored in an airtight container.

Can I freeze the apple butter?

Yes, you can freeze the apple butter for up to 6 months, stored in an airtight container. Thaw it in the refrigerator overnight before using.


Making apple butter in a crock pot is an easy and delicious way to preserve the flavor of apples and enjoy their sweet and tangy taste all year round. With a few simple ingredients and a slow cooker, you can create a rich and creamy spread that is perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Give this recipe a try and enjoy the delicious taste of homemade apple butter!

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